Aquatic Weed Identification

Discover what types of weeds you may need to watch out for in your waterbody, or identify existing weeds and the treatments for them.
There are three categories of aquatic weeds you should be aware of:

emergent Aquatic weeds

Weeds that have stems and leaves protruding above the water's surface. These water weeds have roots anchored to the substrate, lakebed or floor of the water body.

free-floating Aquatic weeds

Weeds with stems, leaves or flowers that may or may not protrude above the water's surface. These water weeds have roots that are not attached to the substrate, lakebed or floor of the water body.

Submerged Aquatic weeds

Submerged aquatic plants grow below the water's surface, whether attached to substrate or not. Some submerged aquatic plants may spend part of their life cycle above the water's surface.

Floating Attached Aquatic Weeds

Rooted-floating plants have underground stems (rhizomes) from which new plants can sprout and are commonly attached to the substrate, lakebed or floor of the water body. They are generally found in the shallower water around edges. Their stems, leaves or flowers may or may not protrude above the water’s surface.

different types of Aquatic weeds

Identify different types of weeds and learn how to manage them.