Broadleaf Cumbungi
weed identification
Broadleaf Cumbungi is an emergent, robust plant that reaches 4 metres high. The plant’s leaves have blades up to 2 metres long. The plant flowers during warmer months growing a brown cylindrical spike. The plant remains green during the winter. The broadleaf cumbungi does not tolerate dry conditions.
The occurrence of the plant is widespread, it is commonly found in margins of lakes and streams, irrigation channels and drains.
It reproduces by underground stems and through pollination.
It is spread by underground stems and pollinated by wind.
Cumbungi provides important habitat for frogs and water birds.
What does Broadleaf Cumbungi look like?
Disadvantages of Broadleaf Cumbungi
Broadleaf Cumbungi can be vigorous in wet area and can be difficult to control unless roots are restricted which can negatively impact water bodies.
- Obstruct water flow and pumps
- Impact access to the water from the banks
- Potential to dominate water bodies
- Prevents water-based recreation
- Reduces food and habitat for fish and other aquatic animals
AQ200 Aquatic Herbicide + Wetting Agent – Chemical Herbicide designed to kill emergent weeds quickly. Use on mild to severe infestations.
Aquatic Weed Rake and Razor Combo – DIY physical removal. Ideal for mild infestations, sensitive water bodies or to aid herbicide treatment.
Aquatic Harvesting – Large amphibious machine that cuts and clears emergent aquatic weeds. Book this service for severe infestations or for larger water bodies.
prevention options
Aerating Fountains – Reduces the severity and likelihood of aquatic weed infestations. Use in any body of water.