
The simple step to clearer water


Flocculants: for turbid, murky or unclear water

Aquatic Technologies flocculants are available in granular, liquid or block form. Each designed to serve a different type of water body. Aquatic Clear Drop: This budget/low-cost granular flocculant is best suited to working water bodies free of fish and wildlife e.g. ornamental ponds Aquatic Clear Dam: Our liquid formula is safe to use in both commercial and domestic water bodies including irrigation, farm dams, potable water and fisheries. Aquatic Clear Drop Flocculant Block: Designed for flowing water, our Floc-blocks come ready-to-tie at the mouth of storm water drains or wherever you need to control run off. Perfect for construction sites and road works.
  • Fast acting
  • Turns brown water clear
  • Simple application
  • Varieties available for different applications
  • Suitable for both domestic and commercial use
  • Quick, simple and safe
Shop Flocculants

Flocculant Range

Where can we use it?
Waterbodies free of fish e.g. working dams, ornamental ponds
Does not affect pH. safe for any water body
Designed for flowing water e.g. storm water drains, construction sites and road works

Which Product Is Best For Your Dam?

Aquatic Clear Drop

Our budget friendly granular, perfect for working water bodies free of fish.

  • 2kg treats 50,000L
  • 20kg treats 500,000L
  • Fast-acting (results in just 36 hours)
  • Perfect for visual water bodies
  • Cost-effective
  • Suitable for both domestic and commercial use

Aquatic Clear Dam

Our liquid formula is safe for use anywhere. Does not affect pH or fish.

  • 1L treats 50,000L
  • 15L treats 750,000L
  • Fast-acting (results in just 48 hours)
  • Safe for fish
  • Does not affect pH or salinity
  • Suitable for both domestic and commercial use

Flocculant Block

Our blocks are easy to use, perfect for construction sites and road works.

  • 3kg treats 300,000L
  • Fast-acting
  • Great for storm situations
  • Does not affect pH or salinity
  • Suitable for both domestic and commercial use

Product Comparison

Clear Drop
  • Form: Solid granules
  • Coagulation pH range: 5.5-7.5
  • Performance: Very effective, and ideal for still/nonturbulent water
  • After-effects: Not ideal for potable water
Clear Dam
  • Form: Liquid
  • Coagulation pH range: 6.0-9.0
  • Performance: Very effective, and ideal for choppy/turbulent water
  • After-effects: Ideal for potable water
Flocculant Block
  • Form: Solid Block
  • Coagulation pH range: Not affected by pH
  • Performance: Very effective, and ideal for choppy/turbulent water
  • After-effects: Biodegradable; ideal for potable water

For best results:

Ensure your edges are hard. Loose soil can easily enter the water body via constant lapping at the water’s edges.

Edges can be hardened by: Geofabric, crushed rock, or sand.

Apply flocculant on a rain free, low wind day. Ensure application is made when the forecast looks clear to avoid run off immediately entering your treated water body.

If your water body has never had clear water before, you may want to consider other options before using a flocculant.

Flocculants are not a permanent solution to clear water’s and are best used in conjunction with other water purifying methods.

For ponds and dams with extremely high sediment loading i.e. chocolate brown in colour or ponds and dams that have never had clear water before, it is essential that the source of mobilisation is dealt with prior to using this product.

Sources of mobilisation

  • soft edges
  • run-off
  • bare ground

To reduce the impact of mobilisation, dam edges can be hardened with geofabric, crushed rock, sand or shallow-rooted plants.

Flocculants will not work effectively if: it is not applied correctly, the water pH is outside the optimum range, the source of the sedimentation is not dealt with, the sediment load is extremely high, or the incorrect dosage rate has been applied.


Poly aluminium chloride v.s aluminium sulphate

Poly aluminium chloride (PAC) has many advantages over aluminium sulphate: PAC works at a much lower concentration (as much as a third less). Lower doses means leaving smaller residual aluminium in treated water. Using PAC generates less volume of sludge and PAC works over a wider range of pH, meaning you can apply PAC across a larger variety of water types.

How much do you need for your body of water?

Aquatic Clear Drop

Applied at a rate of 2 kilograms per 50,000L of water. 20kg treats 500,000L.
Product Size Water Treated
20KG 500,000L

Aquatic Clear Dam

Applied at a rate of 1 litre per 50,00L of water. 15L treats 750,000L.
Product Size Water Treated
1L 50,000L
2L 100,000L
5L 250,000L
15L 750,000L

Flocculant Block

One 3kg block treats approximately 300,000L of water.
Product Size Water Treated
3KG 300,000L