How to look after a dam
Q. We just moved to a new house with a dam and we don’t know how to look after it. Help!

Congratulations on moving to a new house!
Your new property comes with a dam and you have never had experience with one before. Let us help you get started.
Because you likely don’t know the history of the dam, how it was built or how it was maintained, we better assess the dam from top to bottom to see if anything needs to be done.
Here are some steps to consider
1. Assess the Dam’s Condition
Start by getting the measurements of the dam, width and depth. Notice if there is any aquatic vegetation, how much there is and the density. Identify if there are any weeds (check our discover page). Take note of any wildlife e.g. fish and other aquatic life, and inspect any pre-existing structures e.g. pier, aeration system. These details will help you make future decisions about your dam.
2. Boost the quality with oxygen
If your dam already has a pre-existing aeration system, make sure it is working correctly – you may need an electrician for this part. If the dam didn’t come with an aerator, let us help choose the right one for you! We suggest subsurface aeration for deeper dams and surface aeration for shallower dams.
3. Control Weed and Algae Growth
If your inspection revealed any weeds or algae it’s best to get on top of them straight away before they can negatively impact your water quality. Invasive plants like Cumbungi and Salvinia, and even native Water Lilies or Azolla can become real problems in your dam. For help, check out our Discover Page – Weed Identification, which can help you ID and choose the right remedy for the weed.
4. Remove Unwanted Vegetation
Mechanically remove growing and dead aquatic vegetation with our Weed Razer and Raker combo and Muck Razer. If you leave unwanted aquatic vegetation to decay and rot in your dam, you’ll actually promote the growth of the unwanted vegetation you are trying to get rid of! Remember, some aquatic vegetation is beneficial to your dam so don’t remove it all!
5. Check those Edges!
Turbidity is a clear indicator that there may be erosion which can lead to significant issues with water quality as well as dam wall stability. Maintain a layer of topsoil around the dam edges and only grow low growing plants around dam edges to prevent root seepage. Harden dam edges by laying geofabric, stone, sand or establish runner grasses up to the edge of the water.
6. Maintain your Dam
It’s important to have a maintenance schedule to ensure your dam is healthy and clean all year round. Reap the benefits from our Beneficial bacteria which will break down that yucky muddy bottom and keep your water clear. Aquatic Blue Pond Dye will colour the water a beautiful blue and keep algae and unwanted plant growth to a minimum while enhancing the visual appearance of your dam.
It doesn’t take much to transform your new dam into the feature of your property! Enjoy your new property and your fun new project!