Floating Pondweed
weed identification
Has submerged translucent leaves up to 20cm long and floating thick, waxy leaves up to 10cm long. Fruit has an emergent spike. Can cover the surface of channels, lakes and dams. When water temperatures reach 15°C in spring growth can be rapid. Leaves start to die in the summer.
Found in ponds, dams, freshwater lakes, and wetlands.
Reproduces via seed. Flowering time: September through to April and in July.
Seeds are a food source for birds
What does Floating Pondweed look like?
Disadvantages of Floating Pondweed
Full coverage of a pond or dam by Floating Pondweed is uncommon but can cause significant problems such as:
- Reduce oxygen diffusion
- Outcompetes other submerged vegetation
- Block drainage channels
- Causes fish and other aquatic life death
AQ200 Aquatic Herbicide + Wetting Agent – Chemical Herbicide designed to kill free floating weeds quickly. Use on mild to severe infestations.
Aquatic Weed Rake – DIY physical removal. Ideal for mild infestations, sensitive water bodies or to aid herbicide treatment.
Aquatic Harvesting – Large amphibious machine that clears the surface of floating aquatic weeds. Book this service for severe infestations or for larger water bodies.
prevention options
Aerating Fountains – Reduces the severity and likelihood of aquatic weed infestations. Use in any body of water.