
How to control algae in Turf Farms

Q. Need some help with a turf farm. I constantly find our irrigation systems are clogging up with algae. Is there a way to stop this happening?


Algae can cause real problems in turf farms
Irrigation systems supplied from dams or ponds are often affected by filamentous algae, especially during warmer months. Filamentous algae are easily identified by its stringy structure and are associated with blocking foot valves in dams and clogging drip irrigation systems.
Algae can block essential nutrients on irrigated farms
Algae-fouled water does not contaminate turf grasses, but algae are highly invasive and may out-compete grasses for space in wet or shaded environments. They frequently form a dense green scum over the soil and turf surface. When dry this scum often acts as a barrier inhibiting the entrance of water and fertilizer into the soil.
Algae cause chronic problems
Algal scum can cause chronic problems on turfs, especially those with poor air circulation, compacted soils and wet areas. Algal growth is encouraged by extended periods of rainy, overcast and warm weather. Algal scums slow water infiltration, keep thatch wet for extended periods, and impede oxygen and other gas diffusion into and out of soils.
If algae is a problem in your turf or in your water source follow this 5 step method to keep your waters clear and bright.

  1. First identify the algae present. Please use our guide here for more information. This page explains common algae within Australia.
  2. Now calculate the volume of water to treat. Ignore depths below 1 metre. Please refer to our online calculator here to to calculate the amount of water to treat and the amount of Coptrol needed.
  3. The best application method is by spraying. Apply on a sunlit wind free day when algae first appear. If this is impractical, please refer to our “Application” page on how to apply Coptrol.
by Aquatic Technologies
If you have any questions regarding looking after your dam or pond and what products are the most suitable for your situation, please read through the helpful articles on our site or feel free to contact our friendly team who can help you maintain proper health in your water body year round.
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