
Clearing a muddy dam

Q. How do we turn muddy dam water into clear or blue water?


We have options galore! For clear water we suggest using a flocculant, add an aeration unit or use the power of beneficial bacteria. For blue water we suggest a pond dye.

How to turn muddy water clear

What is a flocculant?
A flocculant is a chemical solution that is added to water to bring the non-settling particles together into larger, heavier masses of solids also known as “floc” that then become heavy enough to sink and settle at the bottom of the water body.

Which flocculant is best for you?

Aquatic Clear Drop

This budget/low-cost granular flocculant is best suited to working water bodies free of fish and wildlife e.g. ornamental ponds

  •  Fast-acting (results in just 36 hours)
  •  Perfect for visual water bodies
  •  Cost-effective
  •  Suitable for both domestic and commercial use

Apply 2kg Aquatic Clear Drop for every 50,000L of water to be treated.

Aquatic Clear Dam

Our liquid formula is safe to use in both commercial and domestic water bodies including irrigation, farm dams, potable water and fisheries.

  • Fast-acting (results in just 48 hours)
  • Safe for fish
  • Does not affect pH or salinity
  • Suitable for both domestic and commercial use

Apply 1L of Clear Dam for every 50,000L of water to be treated.

Keep your dam clearer for longer by adding an aeration unit. Check out our selection!

How to turn muddy water blue:

Pond dyes are a great way to revitalise your dull pond or dam and they are super easy to use – simply tip it in! Once mixed with the water in your pond or dam, you can use the water as normal and even swim in it!

One of the longest-lasting products on the market today, our aquatic dye is easy to apply and disperses evenly into your water without added effort. Perfect for dams, lakes, fountains and even water features alike, this aquatic dye is safe for humans, fish, livestock and pets alike.

Aquatic Blue and Aquatic Blue Eco are odourless and both give your water a pristine blue hue that lasts a long time. A super-concentrated blend of colourants, our Aquatic Blue range is highly effective and will not stain anyone swimming in the treated water.

Check out our pond dye range.

We strongly recommend using Beneficial bacteria in conjunction with pond dyes to help clear up that muddy water and allow the blue dye to really capture your attention!

by Aquatic Technologies
If you have any questions regarding looking after your dam or pond and what products are the most suitable for your situation, please read through the helpful articles on our site or feel free to contact our friendly team who can help you maintain proper health in your water body year round.
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