Flocculant Water Treatments

Water Quality Treatments – Flocculants the first step to clearer water

Click below to find the right solution for your water quality needs


For crystal clear water

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Clear water quickly – Clear Drop

Aquatic Clear Dam

Remove suspended particles

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Turn murky water crystal clear – Clear Dam


Crystal Clear Water

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Crystal clear water fast – Flocculant Block

Aquatic Technologies has flocculants available in granular, liquid or block form. Each designed to serve a different water body.

Aquatic Clear Drop: This budget/low-cost granular flocculant is best suited to working water bodies free of fish and wildlife e.g. ornamental ponds

Aquatic Clear Dam: Our liquid formula is safe to use in both commercial and domestic water bodies including irrigation, farm dams, potable water and fisheries.

Aquatic Clear Drop Flocculant Block: Designed for flowing water, our Floc-blocks come ready-to-tie at the mouth of storm water drains or wherever you need to control run off. Perfect for construction sites and road works.

What exactly is a flocculant?
A flocculant is a chemical solution that is added to water to bring the non-settling particles together into larger, heavier masses of solids also known as “floc” that then become heavy enough to sink, thus settling. How does it work?
Let’s talk a little science. Liquids are made up of molecules that vibrate, move about, and slide past each other. While they are doing this, they hit each other sometimes and also hit whatever else is in the water. These collisions are part of the reason that the solids are staying in the water; the movement helps keep the objects afloat. With this in mind, think about how a larger object is more likely to sink. This is because it is too heavy for the movement of the water molecules to keep suspended in the water column. This is where the concept of “flocculation” came from. When light particles are forced together, they get heavier. When they get heavier, the water molecules cannot push them around as easily as they used to, and gravity pulls them to the bottom of the water body. The result is water with less free floating dirt in it! Turbidity
The term used to measure water cleanliness. Derived from the word turbid, turbidity is a measurement of the “cloudiness” of water. It essentially tells us the amount of solids in the water.
High turbidity is when there are lots of solids in the water.

Why can turbidity be bad? Lots of debris and sediment in the water can lead to:

For best results:
Ensure your edges are hard. Loose soil can easily enter the water body via constant lapping at the water’s edges.
Edges can be hardened by: Geofabric, crushed rock, or sand.
Apply flocculant on a rain free, low wind day. Ensure application is made when the forecast looks clear to avoid run off immediately entering your treated water body.
If your water body has never had clear water before, you may want to consider other options before using a flocculant.
Flocculants are not a permanent solution to clear water’s and are best used in conjunction with other water purifying methods.